Monday, September 28, 2015

Prof. Belpomme reminds us of the recommendationnot to use a cell phone during pregnancy

Prof. Belpomme reminds us of the recommendation
not to use a cell phone during pregnancy.
Electrosensitivity:  A Distinct Illness  
Interview by Johanna Amselem,,
11 September 2015 (translated from French by the Editor of this blog)

The courts have just recognized the existence of a handicap linked to electrosensitivity to magnetic waves.  The symptoms are real but the cause has not yet been scientifically established.  For Professor Belpomme, cancer specialist and member of the Association for Research on Treatment Against Cancer (ARTAC), it is a distinct illness.
"According to the description of the afflicted persons, the physical disorders are due to an excessive sensitivity to ambient electromagnetic waves and fields":  this is the definition of electrosensitivity proposed by the 2016 edition of Larousse.  While the court has just recognized hypersensitivity to magnetic waves as a serious handicap, experts are still divided on this subject.  In 2013, ANSES issued a report in which it estimated that exposure to electromagnetic waves could provoke certain biological effects but that actual scientific data were not showing health effects.  For its part, the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized in 2005 that electrosensitivity was "characterized by a variety of non-specific symptoms that differ from individual to individual" and "are certainly real and can vary widely in their severity".  Prof. Belpomme treats those who suffer from it.  He expresses his opinion.
Faire Face:  What is electrohypersensitivity?
Prof. Dominique Belpomme:  An intolerance to electromagnetic waves.  This syndrome is characterized by headaches, pain in the ear (for those abusing cell phones), tingling, burning sensation, dizziness, and very often, cognitive disorders.  In 20% of cases, the patients can no longer read a book.  Others also suffer from insomnia, chronic fatigue, and a depressive tendency.  They can no longer stand being near waves.
FF:  How do you cure these sick persons?
Prof. D.B.: For seven out of ten persons, the intolerance is considerably alleviated thanks to treatment consisting of antioxydants, antihistamines, and intense vitamin therapy.  The latter reduces the symptomatic intolerance and normalizes biological markers, however, unfortunately, does not reduce the electrosensitivity, thus, the need for the sick persons to protect themselves.
In certain cases, the evolution is not favorable and damage to the nervous system may occur such as Alzheimer's disease, even Parkinson's.  Officials must understand that this is a public health issue.
FF:  Are children affected?
Prof. D.B.:  Yes, they can also be victims of this electrohypersensitivity syndrome, including babies.  A genetic susceptibility exists even if it is not obvious. By contrast, abuse of exposure could cause epigenetic anomalies.  It is very important that women do not use a cell phone during pregnancy except for emergencies, and remove themselves from Wi-Fi.  With very young children, one must avoid leaving them in front of a lighted screen, not use a cell phone in their presence, and distance them from Wi-Fi sources.  In order to protect onself, one should also not make calls in moving vehicles. 
FF:  Is the number of patients increasing with the passage of time?
Prof. D.B.:  This hypersensitivity could affect one in two persons in Europe.  In France, 1 to 2% of the population are already affected.  Currently, I am seeing ten new patients a week.  General practitioners are recognizing this disorder more and more; one in two patients is sent to me by them.
FF:  What is this legal decision going to change?
Prof. D.B.:  This decision of the Court of Toulouse should set a legal precedence.  Today, some experts deny the disorder while the sick persons are very real.  If it isn't the electromagnetic fields, what are they suffering from?  This is truly a case of denial.  In the coming months, the American scientific journal "Reviews on Environmental Health" (REVEH) will publish the results of our studies on this subject.
Interviewed by Johanna Amselem

Original article in French:

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